In den letzten Wochen wurde von Ligavertretern das Gerücht lanciert, dass Valve plane, den Support von 1.6 einzustellen - teilweise wurde auf diversen Seiten auf "Hörensagen-Basis" sogar berichtet, dass 1.6 überhaupt nicht mehr über Steam spielbar sein würde.
Dabei handelt es sich allerdings um ein reines Hirngespinnst, zumindest laut Valve selbst:
Erik Johnson: While it is true that the focus of Valve is now on to products based on the Source engine, there are still a number of customer that are still playing games under the old engine.
It´s pretty unlikely that we´ll be moving forward on games in the old engine, but we will address any critical issues that come up.
Doug Lombardi: The Source engine games will enjoy an increasing amount of ongoing support, as we plan to introduce new stuff to those games. However, there are still a number of customers playing games under the old engine, and we have not announced any plans to discountinue all support and updates for 1.6, etc