My name is Elena, I am 33 years old and I apply to you from a little Russian town. I working in library and I can use computer after I finish work when possible. Our situation is very hard and I send you this letter in despair and hope.
I having daughter - 8 years old, her father abandoned us and we live together with my mother.
As consequence of deep financial crisis recently my mother miss job (a market where she was used to work has been closed) and our situation became frightful.
Gas and electricity is very expensive in our town and we cannot use it to heating our home anylonger.
It is very cold already in our region and weather becomes colder each day. We are very much disturbed and we cannot suppose what to do.
The only possibility for us to heat our home is to use portable wood burning oven which provide heat from burning wood. We have sufficiency wood in our region and this oven will be heating our home the whole winter with minimal price.
The problem is that we cannot purchase this oven in our market because it price 8179 ruble (equival. of 191 Euro) and we can not collect so big amount.
In case if you own any old portable wood burning oven and if you stopped to use it, we will be very happily if you could give it to us and organize transport of this oven to our address (180 km from Moscow). This ovens may be differ and weight 100-150kg.
Please let me know if you can help and I will write you our home address
>From all my heart I wish you all the best in the NEW YEAR 2010! I wish that the New Year will bring you hapiness, health and all your dreams come true!