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PDS-BoardťPCťSoftwareťCatalyst 4.2!
12.2.2004 21:20Catalyst 4.2!
Beiträge: 5939
dabei seit: 25.11.2002

Performance Improvements

As with most CATALYSTâ„¢ releases performance has increased in various situations. This release of CATALYSTâ„¢ provides performance gains to the ATI DX8 product family. These products include the RADEONâ„¢ 9200, 9000, and 8500 series. Performance gains are noticed throughout the following software:

* Framerates in Unreal Tournament 2003 is up by 15%
* A performance gain of between 5 and 10% is noticed in Aquamark3
* A performance gain of between 2-3% is noticed in ShaderMark scores
* Framerates in Halo is up between 3-4%
* A performance improvement of 2% is noticed in Tomb Raider

Fßr die UT2004 spieler dßrfte der performancegewinn auch sehr interessant sein, das ja praktisch die gleiche Engine is.... abwarten und testen, auch wenn ich nicht mit 15 % rechne

-- editiert von LivingLegend am 12.2.2004 21:21
Profil EMail ICQ  
13.2.2004 05:36
Super Moderator
Beiträge: 8064
dabei seit: 10.11.2002

mh einerseits JA andererseits NEIN.

JA weil framerate verbesserungen immer gut sind, aber die hier sind wahrscheinlich nur fßr 8500 user, so wie ich das verstanden habe..

der cat 4.1 mit cs bei mir schoma scheisse lief (10-15 fps weniger)

der 3.7er und der 3.9er sind einfach die besten und ich glaube so wie es bis her die leutz im 3dcenter forum schreiben, der 4.2er wird von der performance her keine konkurrenz fßr diese beiden


Fixed in this driver:
Running Celestia under Windows XP with an ATI RADEONâ„¢ 8500 series or RADEONâ„¢ 9100 series installed no longer results in a slow down of the performance
Enabling extended desktop mode with the display set to 1600x1200 and running Inventor 8 no longer results in display corruption when loading a sample
Performance losses noticed in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory with the previous CATALYSTâ„¢ display driver have been resolved in this release of CATALYSTâ„¢
Logging on as an Administrator under Windows XP and doing a fast user switch to limited user no longer results in display corruption when playing a DVD using WinDVD version 4 or 5
User defined colour setting are now retained when exiting a 3D game or application
The ATI Control Panel no longer fails to launch when attempting to enter the Advanced options of the primary display adapter after disabling extended desktop support
The Cancel button found in the ATI 3D tab is now working properly when switching between a user defined profile and the default setting
Enabling the CRT as the primary display and turning the TV off in the Display page no longer results in a general protection fault under Windows ME
The Anisotropic Filtering custom setting is now retained under Windows XP with an ATI RADEONâ„¢ 7200 installed
The D3D panel now retains the user defined AA/AF setting under Windows XP when a RADEONâ„¢ 8500 series is installed and the main setting is set to High Quality
Launching the game Tron 2.0 under Windows XP no longer results in the game failing to respond after the game introduction is loaded
Launching the game Line of Sight: Vietnam and setting the graphics option to 800x600 16bpp no longer results in the game failing to respond when selecting a new game
Running the game Armed and Dangerous under Windows XP with an ATI RADEONâ„¢ 9200 series installed no longer results in the display image appearing corrupted when selecting Storm the Base mission in the game
The game Half-Life is now displayed properly under Windows XP when the game resolution is set to either 320x240 or 400x300
Playing the game Serious Sam 2 under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON&tdrade; 9500/9800 series installed no longer results in the game failing to run when the game option is set to OpenGL
Playing the game Unreal Tournament 2003 under Windows XP with an ATI RADEONâ„¢ 9600 series installed no longer results in texture corruption being displayed on the flag surfaces in the DM-Tokara Forest
Selecting the Optimum Quality setting in D3D control panel no longer results in a frozen frame when launching the game HALO
Setting the resolution in the game SpyHunter to 1280x1024 along with having the Use Recommended Settings slider set to balanced in the ATI 3D tab no longer results in some background images being missing while the game is loading
Setting the display option to 640x480 or 800x600 in the game Splinter Cell no longer results in the game menu flickering
Returning to the main menu in the game Counter-Strike no longer results in the game's refresh rate reverting back to 60Hz when resuming game play

-- editiert von MechanimaL am 13.2.2004 05:54
Profil Homepage  
13.2.2004 12:06
Beiträge: 5939
dabei seit: 25.11.2002

Ich kann da weder positives noch schlechtes zu sagen..... Welche der Catalysts sind deiner Meinung nach den am besten fßr CS und CO?

Profil EMail ICQ  
14.2.2004 12:35
Super Moderator
Beiträge: 8064
dabei seit: 10.11.2002

der 3.7er und der 3.9er sind einfach die besten und ich glaube so wie es bis her die leutz im 3dcenter forum schreiben, der 4.2er wird von der performance her keine konkurrenz fßr diese beiden

blimse ?

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